27 dec. 2012

Cercei soutache S0063

Cercei soutache realizati din snui suitas maro si ivory, margele toho turcoaz, margele howlit turcoaz, si caboson turcoaz.

4 comentarii:

  1. I know somewhere this theme ;)
    Great work!
    I cordially greet.

    1. Yes :D i know, a lot of artists use this theme, but it was the customer express wish, and to use turcoise and brown.
      Thank you, I follow your work too, you are very talented artist.

  2. Aceasta pereche de cercei a fost aleasa pentru saptamana 4 in colectia "52 perechi de cercei 2013" http://time4splash.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/inspire-me-52-perechi-de-cercei-2013-saptamanile-4-5-si-6/#



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